Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Amazing Ava's Awesome Book

Today Ava brought along a book she has written.

It is the second Magic Treehouse book she has written....what a talented writer Ava, I'm so proud of you.

Our Room 23 buddies also listened to Ava read her story!


  1. Anonymous3/26/2013

    Good job Ava - I love how clearly you read your book to the class. :) Love Mummy xx

  2. Anonymous3/26/2013

    I'm so proud of you Ava! An excellent story and you read it so very well to all the children. Love from Aunty Lorelei

  3. Ava! What a talented girl you are. We are very proud of you and are looking forward to hearing more of your stories. Lots of love from Aunty Maria and Aunty Liz. xx
